Smoke detectors never maintain again

Smoke detectors without maintenance costs: when smoke detectors monitor themselves
and call in the event of smoke.

Smokedetectors without maintenance fees

When smoke detectors monitor themselves
and call immediately when smoke develops

– Automatic remote maintenance
– Remote alarming
– Real-time function monitoring

“I can’t see having to go through the hassle of smoke detector maintenance every year anymore.
Finally there is a device that does it itself…”

Securely connected to the cloud. Without gateway, without additional costs

Cost savings through automatic self-maintenance.

Conventional smoke detectors have to be tested regularly. The new generation of mobile radio-based smoke detectors now does this itself.
The mobile phone smoke detector from LUPUS represents an innovation in hazard detection technology thanks to its design and functions. It tests itself every 24 hours and reliably documents the maintenance process in the cloud. This is made possible by networking the narrowband IoT network with the cloud.
enabled. Real-time transmission of alarms, events and the current device status is thus guaranteed.
If the smoke detector is removed or damaged, push notifications are sent to the responsible personnel.

Sicherheit: Bei Rauchentwicklung erfolgen automatisch zusätzliche Anrufe

DAPONA hilft, Schadensrisiken in Gebäuden und Anlagen zu senken. Die neue Generation Mobilfunk-basierter Rauchmelder überprüft sich laufend selbst und sendet einmal am Tag sein Ergebnisprotokoll an die digitale Plattform DAPONA. DAPONA zeichnet die Verläufe in Echtzeit auf und alarmiert, sobald ein Rauchmelder Rauch erkannt hat zusätzlich per Telefon. Mehrstufige Alarmierungen können auch Signalleuchten oder andere Aktionen auslösen, nach frei hinterlegbaren Regeln.

The facts

LUPUS smoke alarm with integrated cellularInternet connection to the Narrowband IoT cellular network.
Always online: Thanks to integrated mobile radio module and LUPUS IoT Cloud. SIM card already integrated and soldered.
10 years battery life and product life cycle.
Unlimited scalability and deployment: Requires no gateway, no local internet and no local power supply.
Instant alerts: sends smoke alerts to your smartphone, emergency service control center and DAPONA IIoT platform.
Extremely cost-effective and quick to install: To activate, simply press the button on the sensor, scan the QR code with the LUPUS app and install. Done.
Fully automatic remote maintenance routine and documentation in the LUPUS Cloud according to DIN 14676-1 C from 12/2018:
Automatic self-test of smoke chamber and battery.
Silent siren self-test.
Regular environmental check of the accessibility of the 50cm radius around the smoke detector.
Control of the smoke inlet openings.
Self-adjustment of the detector according to the degree of pollution.
Disassembly protection: removal is immediately detected by disassembly contact and reported to the LUPUS Cloud.
Suitable for bedrooms.
Can be used in difficult frost-free environments such as basements, attics and stairwells.
LUPUS IoT cloud system with central web-based management system and smartphone app control:
Real-time dashboard display of the status of all smoke detectors in use at a glance.
Multi-level central administration, comprehensive rights management, easy assignment of sensors by country, city, building, apartment or
unit of use.
10-year documentation and storage of automatic remote maintenance.
Easy installation and adding of the sensor via QRCode scan in the app.
Easy alarm management: invite your residents/tenants/owners/users to receive alarms directly to their smartphone. Residents have
the ability to share alarms with 3rd parties permanently or periodically.
API interfaces to connect partner platforms, services and apps.
Connection to your emergency service control center or optionally to the LUPUS 24 NSL service via Contact ID SIA 09 protocol possible.
Approval and certification: Q Label according to DIN EN 14604, vfdb (14-01) and DIN 14676-1C.*.

Sofort aufs Smartphone, frei definierbar an Signalleuchte, Sirene, u.a.

Smarte Web-Dashboards
Selbst einrichten und ändern, per Drag&Drop, direkt im Browser

Tagesprotokolle, automatisch per E-Mail, immer nachvollziehbar

Plug & Play
Ohne Box, ohne App:
Einfach anschliessen und loslegen

Lokal oder in der Cloud
DAPONA kann lokal oder in der Cloud betrieben werden

Beliebige Sensorarten
Wärme, Kälte, Druck, Feinstaubüberwachung u.v.m.

Durchgängige Verschlüsselung, von der Entstehung bis zur Ablage