„Now I always know what my dispensing loss is, without expensive equipment for dispensing optimization. And in addition, I can also see what the atmosphere in the guest room is like at any given time. Simply ingenious!“

Detect and reduce dispensing losses
Every restaurateur is familiar with the problem of dispensing control: the actual quantity and number of portions of beverages dispensed cannot be easily traced without measurement, especially not in relation to the cash register receipts. Only when the keg is changed can an approximate comparison be made retrospectively of how much was served and how much dispensing loss may have occurred. To solve this problem, restaurateurs have been forced to install physical equipment to optimize dispensing. These are expensive and time-consuming to maintain.

Digital dispensing optimization and dispensing control
With DAPONA, there is now a digital alternative that digitally maps the essential functions at a fraction of the cost of a classic system for dispensing optimization and dispensing control. All that remains to be done is to install the appropriate sensors for flow measurement and connect the cash register. The basic functions for the acquisition, storage and real-time display of any sensor data, device data or other data sources are already included in the standard DAPONA package. Likewise the possibility for the release of tasks, control of actuators (e.g. valves for the self rinsing) after freely configurable rules. In addition, DAPONA generates maintenance tasks and also displays the mood in the guest rooms in real time, such as brightness, volume and number of people.
Real-time cash register dashboard
Beverage bookings, master data, analysis, key figures, time histories, waiter data and much more.
Independent cleaning, rinsing processes depending on dates, quantities, ambient temperature, etc.
Logging of line cleanings
Reporting, monitoring and verifying the cleaning of beverage containers (kegs, bottles, taps, etc.)

Quelle: Irish Pub Villingen
Wenn Ausschank und Kasse immer stimmen müssen
In über 17 Jahren hat sich das Fürstenberg’s Irish Pub zu einer fest etablierten Institution in der Villinger Innenstadt entwickelt. Das Irish Pub überzeugt mit gemütlichem Charme der irischen Gastlichkeit. Leckeres Essen, abgerundet durch eine vielfältige Auswahl an über 80 Whiskys, locken Besucher aus der ganzen Region. „Hier wird das erfüllt, was unsere Gäste von einem Irish Pub erwarten: Essen – Trinken – Live-Musik“, so Michael Steiger, Gastronom und Inhaber des Irish Pub.
Digitalisierung wird für Fürstenberg’s Irish Pub immer wichtiger: „Für die laufende Optimierung unseres hochwertigen Angebots und Services ist es für uns wichtig, immer besser zu verstehen, wie sich die Verbräuche, Wareneinsatz und Kassenbuchungen im Tagesverlauf entwickeln“, so Michael Steiger weiter. „Ich möchte z.B. frühzeitig erkennen, wenn Schankverlust droht, welche Getränke zu welcher Tageszeit und welcher Raumtemperatur konsumiert werden“.