gastronomy | restaurant | inn | pub | system gastronomy | café | bar | bistro | fast food | service area | gas station | canteen | ski hut | hotel bar | fast food | amusement parks | cinema | train station | airport | on-board gastronomy | oktoberfest | folk festival | loss of beer | beer counter
What is the atmosphere in the guest room,
how much is my dispensing loss?
DAPONA digitally determines the dispensing loss and makes conventional
systems for dispensing control superfluous. Without a box, without an app.
No more flying blind: DAPONA displays the dispensing loss in real time, alerts in case of deviations and triggers flushing of the dispensing lines. Simply install beverage meters, connect DAPONA, set up your own real-time dashboards and always know what’s happening. DAPONA logs tap quantities and cash bookings, triggers keg reorders and can flush tap lines (CIP: cleaning in place). In addition, sensors report the brightness, temperature, or volume in the guest rooms. Also spirits, bottled goods, coffee machines, dishwashers or e.g. the outside temperature can be recorded. The online condition monitoring for gastronomy and tourism by DAPONA: On the laptop, the PC or on the go on the smartphone. A web browser is all that is needed.